Articles | Russians are Buying Bulgarian Property | Sell Property Bulgaria 2021| Property Sales Bulgaria 2021|Estate Agents in Sunny Beach Bulgaria| UK Estate Agents Bulgaria

Russians are Buying Bulgarian Property have been selling Bulgarian property to Russian investors since 2005. During the past 7 years we have seen a change in the type of Russian buyers who contact us. For example from 2005 up to 2008 we mainly dealt with Russian property funds who were  buying land banks and commercial buildings in Bulgaria. From late 2008 this changed and we then found that the Russian Estate Agents that we had been dealing with were now more focused on sourcing individual properties for their clients.

When we asked them where this demand had come from, they explained to us that this was always going to happen because Russians did not like buying off plan and now that so many developments were completed they now wanted to buy. Obviously because  there was a decline in property prices in both Ireland and the UK they felt that there were in a great position to negotiate a good deal with Irish and British clients who now wanted or needed to release money from their Bulgarian property.

To date Appreciating Assets and our partners have found buyers for over 700 Bulgarian properties and this trend is set to continue for the foreseeable future.

We are constantly trying to source new properties to meet the demand from our Russian buyers so if you have a Bulgarian property that you are considering selling please contact us and we will provide you with a free current market valuation

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